Adam's "Blog"

That's all, really.

TortoiseSVN Shortcuts for Visual Studio

TortoiseSVN is a great SVN client, but it’s not integrated with Visual Studio. I use the External Tools feature to add in some of my commonly-used commands.

Here’s my “Commit Project” tool. With this set up, I can just press Alt-T, C to open the TortoiseSVN Commit dialog for the current project’s directory.

This assumes that TortoiseProc.exe is in your search path. (It’s located in C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin; if it’s not in your path, you can use the fully-qualified name.)

  • Title: &Commit Project (The ampersand before the C makes it the accelerator key in the menu.)
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:commit /path:"$(ProjectDir)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

Here are some other useful ones:

  • Title: &Commit File
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:commit /path:"$(ItemPath)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

  • Title: &Blame
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:blame /path:"$(ItemPath)" /startrev:1 /endrev:-1 /line:$(CurLine)
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

  • Title: &Diff
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:diff /path:"$(ItemPath)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

  • Title: &Log for File
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:log /path:"$(ItemPath)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ItemDir)

  • Title: Log for &Project
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:log /path:"$(ProjectDir)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

  • Title: &Update Project
  • Command: TortoiseProc.exe
  • Arguments: /command:update /path:"$(ProjectDir)"
  • Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)

(See also my post about using these shortcuts for TortoiseGit.)